DTU heading second quantum revolution

Quantum theory and atomic physics Physics Cyber security
DTU's leading position is attributable to the University’s great collaboration between various areas of academic expertise and strong relationship with the business sector.

Some of the major challenges currently facing our society could be addressed using quantum technology, including the need to encrypt our communication to avoid the risk of a supercomputer cracking the code, or the need to understand the brain’s processes to enable us to become better at diagnosing and curing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's diseases, for example.

“The first quantum revolution gave us inventions, radio, and TV, but now we need to find solutions to completely different complex challenges. Such challenges cannot be addressed from one scientific perspective, but require strong collaboration across professional groups. There’s a good basis for working with the discipline at DTU, where researchers from the region’s hospitals and DTU experts in quantum diamond sensors and MRI join forces to find new ground-breaking methods for cancer treatment,” says Katrine Krogh Andersen, Dean of Research at DTU.

This took place at a major kick-off event for DTU’s new virtual centre Quantum DTU last week. Nine of DTU’s departments and centres as well as the Danish National Metrology Institute form part of Quantum DTU—and more are likely to join as tomorrow’s quantum technology will also need their academic insight.

Only Danish university with quantum technology study programme
From the very outset, the Quantum DTU centre has focused heavily on exploiting DTU’s close contacts with the business sector.

"The first quantum revolution gave us inventions, radio, and TV, but now we need to find solutions to completely different complex challenges. "
Katrien Krogh Andersen, Dean of Research at DTU

“Much of the research and innovation at DTU is quickly put to use by companies—and the idea is also for the business sector to be able to apply our future quantum technology insights,” explains Professor Ulrik Lund Andersen, who has overall academic responsibility and is the driving force behind the new centre.

Furthermore, DTU is currently the only Danish university where students can specialize in quantum technology on their master’s programme. This is relatively new, but DTU is already seeing an increased intake, also of international students.

Quantum DTU will focus on the two major areas within quantum technology where DTU already has the world’s leading research facilities and experts—i.e. the entire quantum cryptography communications area as well as sensing, where new quantum technology methods are able to measure the details of the examined material, e.g. human tissue, which are impossible to see using the current measuring techniques.

See more on Quantum DTU’s website

Facts about Quantum DTU

Through interdisciplinary collaboration, Quantum DTU aims to develop modern quantum technologies which can be translated into practical application in the business sector. The research focuses on quantum sensing and quantum communication.

Quantum DTU also educates a new generation of innovative quantum engineers capable of combining strong core scientific competences with practical skills in interdisciplinary partnerships.