learnT DTU

learnT DTU Conference 2018

The 3rd Conference on Digital Learning Technology at DTU Compute

Date: November 16, 2018 at 09.00‐12.30

Place: DTU Skylab, Building 373A, Diplomvej, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

learnT invites researchers, students and all interested in future learning technology from knowledge institutions, companies, schools, high schools, etc. to our 3rd Conference on Digital Learning Technology at DTU Compute. Two years ago, we opened learnT – Centre for Digital Learning Technology at Compute. At this year’s conference we would like to share how we, in collaboration with our partners, have created new knowledge about efficient, motivational and fun learning that enables users to interact and create with technology:

learnT – Centre for Digital Learning Technology – is a research and innovation centre at DTU Compute. It is placed together with strong research environments within statistics,machine learning, artificial intelligence, internet of things and software development.


fre 16 nov 18
9:00 - 12:30





DTU Skylab, Building 373A, Diplomvej

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