
DTU contributes to making Europe climate neutral

Energy technology
DTU’s research and development of sustainable technologies will be an important factor in the green transition of Europe.

The European Commission has just allocated EUR 1 billion to a total of 73 different projects aimed at contributing to meeting the goals in the European Green Deal. The European Green Deal is a set of policy initiatives taken by the European Commission to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent in 2050.

DTU participates in eight of the projects and is thus the European higher educational institution that has received the biggest share of the Horizon 2020 funds for the European Green Deal. Only 11% of the total funds are allocated to higher educational establishments, while the other recipients are mainly private companies and public organizations.

“It’s obviously gratifying that DTU participates in so many of the projects that are to contribute to ensuring the climate neutrality of Europe in the future. This reflects our activities in the field of sustainability, where DTU has long worked in many different disciplines to ensure the green transition, both in Denmark and internationally,” says Rasmus Larsen, Executive Vice President, Provost, DTU.

Green energy is essential
The majority of the eight projects are about green energy—a field in which DTU has a special position of strength. The focus is on developing new green fuels, better energy storage options, and collaboration with African partners to ensure smart energy solutions in Africa. There are also projects aimed at, for example, developing technologies for carbon capture and storage and studying the environmental impacts of chemicals.

One of the projects is GreenHyScale, which is based at GreenLab Skive. Here, DTU researchers will support the design of the plant’s electrolysis system, develop operational solutions, and conduct life cycle assessments. In addition, DTU is conducting research into how the hydrogen plant of Green HyScale interacts with the other renewable energy plants at GreenLab Skive and in the rest of society. Read more