Foto af Line Reeh

New study programme accelerates sustainability in Blue Growth

Ocean Engineering marries the scientific understanding of the ocean with technology. The goal is to drive sustainable offshore projects forward.

If Orsted is to remain the world's largest offshore wind developer and Denmark is to maintain its proud tradition of being a maritime nation, a more sustainable development of the blue economy is needed. Which is why DTU is offering students a new MSc degree in Ocean Engineering.

“Windmill parks, fisheries, agriculture or any sort of activity that goes on in the ocean, require people with the particular set of skills, that we are putting together in this new education, says Professor Andre Visser from DTU Aqua and Head of Studies of Ocean Engineering.

Blue growth or blue economy is driven by an international urge to utilize the oceans better, but if the maritime industry is do that responsibly, more knowledge, research and new technological solutions are needed.

“We need to examine blue growth's effect on the marine environment, which is why this education is so important and timely,” says the head of studies.  

Examines the effect on marine environment

According to the professor, all engineering projects that occur in the ocean are actually going on in an environment, that is foreign to most people.

“We don't understand the ocean intuitively, so we need to do more research,” he says.

The head of studies stresses that engineers lack the specialized competences needed to utilize the ocean in a sustainable manner.

“For example, an offshore windmill park will interfere with the fisheries that goes on there, and the ship traffic that goes through those areas. It also effects the potential for agricultural facilities being placed offshore and conservation requirements in the ocean as well. All those things must be balanced in a responsible manner. This new education is a holistic approach to any sort of engineering projects that are placed offshore."

Ocean engineers obtain a unique skillset

A deeper understanding of the marine environment requires two fundamental skills that future ocean engineers need to master. One aspect is about developing a clear scientific understanding. From the waves to life in the ocean. From chemistry to the sediments on the seabed. Another aspect is about developing a keen knowledge of the technical requirements for working in ocean, which requires a lot of practical experience, going out and doing research.

“The sea is not easily observed. You must have special instrumentation to look under the water, different cameras, different imaging systems, acoustics, monitoring systems, satellites, all those things,” he says and adds:

“Once you put in a big engineering project, like a windmill farm, you have to constantly monitor it, to see what is happening in the environment around it, both in terms of the marine environment, but also the stability. Is the seabed being eroded differently, because you've put these pylons in there? Is it changing the seafloor? These aspects are also important.”

New research ship is awaited

Andre Visser explains that going out to sea to do research is actually very expensive, but DTU has its own research ship, Dana, that is based in Hirtshals.

“It's a big ocean going ship. I mean, I've sailed across the Atlantic to Greenland from various places, but it is getting old and there's a replacement on the way,” says Andre Visser. 

DTU also have smaller, coastal research ships, that studens can use to do coastal work for their practical courses during the summer. There is a freshwater laboratory in Silkeborg, a shelter fish center in Nykøbing Mors. So students have access to many different localities, where practical work can be carried out, in addition to the teaching laboratories on campus.  

Oceanography was formerly a specialization under the MSc in Aquatic Science and Technology, which will be relocated to Hirtshals in response to the political agreement “More and better educational opportunities in Denmark”, adopted by the government and a broad political majority. Ocean Engineering will be offered at DTU Lyngby campus.

"One of the reasons, we have it here in Lyngby is because of the partnerships with other departments. DTU Aqua is leading the education, but I have to stress, that it is big cross campus collaboration with courses being offered in Mechanical Engineering, Space, Wind, Electrical engineering and Civil engineering, that all contribute to this course through course catalogue," the head of studies emphasizes.

First programme of its kind in Europe

Demand for the new study programme is being seen from both students and employers in industry, and the head of studies has even received several enquiries from abroad. It is the only one of its kind in Denmark, and there are very few similar courses being taught at foreign universities.

With the new programme, DTU is taking the expertise in oceanography and extending it right across the campus, rather than just having it concentrated at DTU Aqua.

“We enable more students from different fields to utilize this knowledge. Students can become mechanical engineers with a specialization in coastal processes, as they obtain the ocean engineering components, which focuses on sustainability, environmental understanding and so on," says the professor. 

The candidates can either follow a scientific career or they can go directly into industry with companies, such as Ørstad, Mærsk and Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI). On top of that, there's also a huge potential for startup companies to enter the offshore service industry. 

“Mærsk for instance, on all of their offshore sites, do not actually do the inspections themselves. They outsource that to specialized companies, because they do not have the competencies. So, there's huge potential for specialized companies and startups to develop new technological solutions, that are more innovative, more green and more responsible,” concludes Andre Visser.

The Ocean Engineering programme provides candidates with knowledge of the physical challenges in constructing off shore installations, developing technologies for both surface and underwater observations, describing and modelling interactions with the natural marine environment, and the ability evaluate the sustainability of engineering activities across a broad range of metrics.