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DTU boosts solar energy activities

Energy technology Solar energy
DTU has launched Solar DTU as a point of access to the University’s research and consultancy in solar energy. Concurrently, DTU is preparing a new study programme that is to turn out Master of Science in Engineering (MSc Eng) graduates specializing in solar energy.    

Solar DTU is the name of DTU’s new initiative aimed at ensuring a single point of access to the University’s research and consultancy in solar energy. Solar DTU consists of a network of seven departments conducting research and development in solar heating installations and solar cells, including storage and integration of solar energy in existing energy systems.

Solar DTU has been established on the basis of the solar energy industry’s needs, which have been mapped in a preceding study. The industry showed great interest in collaborating with DTU on solar energy. With Solar DTU, companies, stakeholder organizations, and authorities with activities in solar energy can more easily establish contact with DTU regarding solar energy and enter into cooperation with the University.

The services offered by DTU include testing and advisory services that support knowledge-based expansion of solar energy in Denmark, and that ensure high-quality solar energy products.

Solar energy is competitive
Recent years have seen plummeting prices of solar cells and systems, and, in December 2016, Bloomberg could show that solar cells are now the cheapest form of electricity production in around 60 countries. At the same time, heat produced by solar heating plants has become financially attractive. At the end of 2016, Denmark had 110 solar heating installations measuring more than 500 m2, corresponding to 37 per cent of the total number of installations of this size worldwide. In addition, the solar panel area of approximately 1.3 million m2 for the Danish solar heating plants constitutes 80 per cent of the total solar panel area of all solar heating plants worldwide.

At the launch of Solar DTU, Katrine Krogh Andersen, DTU’s Dean of Research, said that solar energy is becoming increasingly relevant and important in tomorrow’s society, and that DTU can contribute to the development of solar energy:

“It’s natural for DTU to be part of the development of solar energy. By contributing with our research-based expertise, we can help others become part of the development.”

Future MSc Eng graduates specializing in solar energy
The Dean of Research could also announce that DTU is working to establish a new study programme in solar energy under the MSc study programme in Sustainable Energy.

"It’s natural for DTU to be part of the development of solar energy. By contributing with our research-based expertise, we can help others become part of the development."
Katrine Krogh Andersen, Dean of Research at DTU

“We’re proud to present the new study programme. DTU will be the first university in Denmark offering a study programme in solar energy,” said Katrine Krogh Andersen.

Sune Thorsteinsson, Project Manager at DTU Fotonik, is the driving force in the development of the study programme and will act as Study Programme Coordinator. He elaborates:

“In order to support the solar energy industry, which is expected to be largely increasing globally until 2050, we’re now presenting a new study programme. This is to ensure highly qualified manpower for the solar energy sector and that Denmark will have new innovative companies that utilize the international boom in solar energy to create new solutions, and, not least, new jobs, and exports,” says Sune Thorsteinsson.

The new study programme is expected to be offered in 2018.