Electrotechnology researcher receives AEG Elektron Award

Electrotechnology Electronics
The AEG Elektron Award has just been awarded, this year to Associate Professor Arnold Knott from DTU Electrical Engineering.

On 18 September, Associate Professor Arnold Knott received the award and an accompanying cheque for DKK 50,000.

Arnold Knott conducts research and teaches within traditional electrotechnology—electronics and circuitry for processing signals and power—after starting his career working in the industry. Here, he was already at the forefront of developments when he implemented the class-D audio power amplifier in the automotive industry in Germany. This led to an association with DTU, where fundamental discoveries where subsequently made.

Arnold Knott has been employed at DTU since 2007, and was made an associate professor in 2013.

Miniaturization of power supplies
The focus of Arnold Knott’s research is making power supplies very, very small and thereby less expensive, so that Danish industry can continue to be competitive and DTU can maintain its leading position in the field. Arnold has headed this research as a leading researcher and been in charge of work packages for various research, innovation, and development projects—all with extensive participation by industry.

Arnold Knott has supervised more than 100 bachelor’s and master’s student projects and 14 PhD projects. He is a very competent, committed, and motivating lecturer, who is highly regarded by the students—even though he is demanding and makes sure that every single student has a complete grasp of all the concepts.

“Arnold Knott is receiving the AEG Elektron Award 2017 on the basis of his extensive research into class-D amplifiers and power supplies. Arnold is a leading expert in this field in the Electronics group at DTU Electrical Engineering, and is known worldwide for his work. In recent years,Arnold’s focus has been on reducing power supplies for very small form factors. This part of Arnold’s work has been realized in two projects—‘Tiny Power’ and the EU project ‘LEDLUM’—where Arnold has been the driving force. In addition, over the years Arnold has supervised more than 100 thesis projects, and he is very popular with students,” said Head of DTU Electrical Engineering Kristian Stubkjær at the award ceremony.

AEG Elektronprisen 2017 (Photo: DTU)