DTU Learn is the new teaching platform

DTU’s new learning management system is ready to be used in connection with the courses in the spring semester 2018.

DTU has purchased a new learning management system from the Canadian company, Brightspace. Dubbed DTU Learn, the system offers a wide range of educational tools—e.g. different quiz formats, discussion fora, course blogs, and learning videos. All lecturers can access the new system via course groups at DTU Inside and use the system when planning courses for the spring semester. However, those wanting to continue using the traditional tools may do so for some time yet, as the transition to DTU Learn is expected to take a couple of years.

As of January, there will be access to DTU learn via DTU Inside, and lecturers can elect to activate their courses here and build up their programmes using all the electronic elements they choose. The system can be used on several levels—from the basics with file sharing and course information—to the full package of e-learning elements, including quizzes, videos, and tutorials, automatic feedback, etc. 

"DTU learn is simply an excellent platform for blended learning."
Phillip Binning, Dean of Graduate Studies and International Affairs

“For example, we’ve purchased the Peergrade.io program for the system so it can be used from DTU learn, and we’re also working on integrating other third-party applications. Users can also add applications on an as-needed basis. Some of the applications require separate licenses, but the system can handle everything,” says Peter Munkebo Hussmann, Head of DTU LearningLab.

He promises that the system will also reference supporting materials and provide examples of how—and what—the e-learning platform can be used for.

User-friendliness high on the list
DTU Learn thus contains more advanced educational e-learning tools than the old platform, but the system is not more difficult to use, assures e-learning consultant Minja Øsby:

“User friendliness was high on the list when the various possible systems were tested by students, lecturers, and administrators—and Brightspace performed well against this parameter.”

But users experiencing any problems will have access to support—both technically (AIT) and educational (LearningLab). An email box will be set up for DTU Learn. LearningLab will also continually offer lecturer training.

Students will come across DTU Learn as soon as their lecturers are ready to use it. Martin Vigild expects the platform to be a positive experience:

“DTU students are tough judges, but I think they’ll find student life much easier with DTU Learn because all course content is now gathered in one place, and they can work where and when they choose—on a computer, tablet and mobile phone—in line with the other platforms they use. DTU Learn is as much a learning enabling system as it is a learning management system.”

All courses offered at DTU can be activated at DTU Learn—bachelor, master, and continuing education courses—and the long-term aim is to include internal courses as well.

“While all courses can benefit from using e-learning, I’d like to emphasize that the electronic elements can never replace the direct interaction between lecturer and student,” says Dean Philip Binning.

“DTU learn is simply an excellent platform for blended learning.”