DTU opens innovation environment for companies

Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development
DTU Skylab and the Danish Industry Foundation invite small and medium-sized enterprises to become part of a new innovation environment with technology-based start-ups.

Over the next three years, small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups will be offered to become part of the Skylab Pilots collaboration project, which is a new and fast-working innovation environment at DTU. The project has received DKK 10 million in funding from the Danish Industry Foundation and will over the next three years support technology partnerships and accelerate technological development in 30 businesses.

“The collaboration between established companies and new entrepreneurs from universities can boost the competitiveness of both parties. Entrepreneurs gain specific knowledge about business development, operations, and production, while established businesses gain access to unique, research-based knowledge and advanced technology,” says Thomas Hofman-Bang, CEO of the Danish Industry Foundation.

Start-up and business matched

Skylab Pilots is built around courses where a start-up project is matched with an established business. After being matched, entrepreneurs are helped to develop their technologies in Skylab’s development space Developer Hall. Here they can draw on everything from assistance for prototype production to business coaching and leverage DTU Skylab’s laboratories and auditoriums.

Skylab Pilots enables start-ups from universities’ innovation and knowledge environments to accelerate development of their technologies and products to a stage where they can be demonstrated to customers, while small and medium-sized enterprises can boost their innovation and competitiveness by integrating cutting-edge technological knowhow into their products.

During the project period, researchers from DTU will monitor the project and gather experience in a generic model for future partnerships, which can also be used in other innovation environments.

Innovation and business development

Director of DTU Skylab Mikkel Sørensen sees good opportunities for developing new technologies and partnerships in the project.

“The Skylab Pilots project represents a great opportunity to develop new technologies through collaborations between companies, researchers, start-ups, and students. We’re experts in supporting this and we’re very much looking forward to helping both the established business community and the budding entrepreneurs develop the business,” says Mikkel Sørensen.

Thomas Hofman-Bang points out that Skylab Pilots bridges the gap between universities and the part of Danish corporate sector that often finds it hard finding resources for technology development.

“It’s of great importance if we can help companies access new technology. Here, the tech entrepreneurs are valuable contributors as they have their finger on the pulse, and their input can be crucial for a company to develop its product and maintain competitiveness,” he says.