Frieder Lucklum
Institut for Elektroteknologi og Fotonik
Electro Technology Acoustic Technology
Ørsteds Plads
Bygning 352 Rum 020
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
microacoustics acoustic metamaterials elastic metamaterials electroacoustic transducers phononic crystals acoustic sensors phononic-fluidic sensors
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6500-3531 Researcher ID: I-1500-2019 Research Interests:Elastic and acoustic metamaterials/phononic crystalsElectroacoustic transducersAcoustic (ultrasonic) sensors and analysis systemsAdditive manufacturing of microsystems Recent Professional Positions2020 – Professor MSO, Head of Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Microsystems (CAMM), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark2014 – 2019Senior research associate, manager of additive manufacturing technologies, Inst. f. Microsensors, -actuators and -systems, University of Bremen, Germany2010 – 2013Senior scientist, Austrian Center of Competence in Mechatronics (ACCM), Linz Educational Summary04/2010Ph.D. degree: Dr. techn. from Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria11/2005Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.) from Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany Recent Academic Activities2020 – 2021Tutorial Co-Chair IEEE Sensors 2020 and IEEE Sensors 2021 conferences2016 – 2019ECI Member, MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes, Bremen2012Organization committee, 13th Mechatronics Forum, Sep. 2012, Linz, Austria2010Organization committee, EUROSENSORS XXIV, Sep. 2010, Linz, Austria2007 – Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Teaching and Supervision Activities2020 – Lecturer in MSc Engineering Acoustics courses, (co-)supervisor of PhD, MSc, BSc students, DTU Electrical and Photonics Engineering2014 – 2019Supervisor and censor of 13 BSc and 9 MSc students, lecturer in MEMS and Microtechnology, mentor of 6 PhD students, University of Bremen, Germany2006 – 2013Lecturer in graduate and undergraduate courses in electrical engineering and MEMS technology, student supervisor and mentor, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria