Quantum technology

DTU is part of new center using quantum sensors for health purposes

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has granted DKK 150 million to Copenhagen Center for Biomedical Quantum Sensing. The new center will be headed by three universities—UCPH, DTU, and University of Texas at Austin. The focus will be on develop-ing sensors for early diagnosis and prevention of disease.

Ulrik Lund Andersen
 Ulrik Lund Andersen heads DTU's part of the future Copenhagen Center for Biomedical Quantum Sensing.


Measuring with diamonds involves the use of artificial diamond crystals with built-in defects known as colour centres or NV centres. A carbon atom in the diamond is replaced with a nitrogen atom, leaving the neighbouring space vacant (NV = Nitrogen Vacancy). The colour centres allow light absorption and—when energy is released—light emission. Measuring changes in the light emitted, which is affected by the magnetic fields, makes it possible to map activities in the material being measured.


Quantum technology is an area of rapid growth. Researchers at DTU are focusing on three areas of technology: Quantum communication and data security; ultra sensitive quantum sensors; and the development of quantum computers. This is done through both basic research and development of technologies that can be used by businesses and government alike, which are both showing strong interest in the field.

Read more in our topic about quantum technology.


Rasmus Larsen

Rasmus Larsen Professor Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science