Departments and centres
Overview of all departments and centres at DTU. Other centers and research groups are presented on the departments websites.
DTU Aqua
National Institute of Aquatic Resources conducts research, provides advice, educates at university level and contributes to innovation in sustainable exploitation and management of aquatic resources. We investigate the biology and population ecology of aquatic organisms, aquatic physical and chemical processes and ecosystem structure and dynamics, taking account of all relevant natural and anthropogenic drivers.
Friedrich Wilhelm Köster Director of institute, Professor Phone: +45 35883000
DTU Bioengineering
The Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine adresses important social and scientific challenges within biotechnology, biomedicine, food technology and human and animal health.
Bjarke Bak Christensen Head of Department Mobile: +45 30664233
DTU Biosustain
The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability at the Technical University of Denmark aims at developing new knowledge and technologies to help facilitate the transformation from the existing oil-based chemical industry to a more sustainable bio-based society in which chemicals are produced biologically.
Bo Skjold Larsen Chief Executive Officer Phone: +45 45258008
DTU Chemical Engineering
The main activities at Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering lie within the areas of product design, process design and production in the chemical, biotechnological, pharmaceutical, food technological and energy technological industries.
Kim Dam-Johansen Professor, Head of Department
DTU Chemistry
Department of Chemistry is a dynamic Department with a wide array of opportunities. The research is divided into two research areas each with underlying research groups.
Erling Halfdan Stenby Head of Department, Professor Phone: +45 45252012
DTU Compute
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science is an internationally unique academic environment spanning the scientific disciplines mathematics, statistics, computer science, and engineering. Our interdisciplinary research areas are big data and data science, artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), smart and secure societies, smart manufacturing and life sciences.
Jan Madsen Head of department, Professor Phone: +45 45253751
DTU Construct
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering develops and utilises science and technical knowledge for the benefit of society and the sustainable development. We undertake research, education, innovation, and scientific advice of the highest quality within building design and processes, building construction and safety, building energy and services, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, materials technology, manufacturing engineering, engineering design and thermal energy systems.
Hans Nørgaard Hansen Head of Department, Professor, PhD, Dr. techn., R. Phone: +45 45254816
DTU Electro
At the Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering, we combine the immense possibilities of electrical and photonics engineering. Our research is, among other things, used in the healthcare sector for diagnostics, treatment and improving the quality of life. We research into the development of more sustainable energy systems, safer autonomous systems and a faster, greener and more secure internet.
Lars-Ulrik Aaen Andersen Head of Department Phone: +45 45253816 Mobile: 4058 8728
DTU Energy
At the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage we work on sustainable energy technologies. In the energy system of the future a large part of the energy will be supplied by fluctuating sources such as solar and wind power. This makes it critically important to be able to convert and store the energy as needed.
Søren Linderoth Head of Department, Professor
DTU Engineering Technology
At the Department of Engineering Technology and Didactics we support the ambition of Technical University of Denmark to train the best engineers in Europe. In close collaboration with industry across courses, student projects and projects with employees we systemically develop tools and methods for technology implementation and hands-on transfer of technology and engineering skills through products and solutions. We are organized in 9 research groups all focusing on technology implementation, engineering technology and engineering education within a wide range of engineering fields.
Malene Kirstine Holst Head of Department Phone: +45 35885031
DTU Entrepreneurship
The Centre for Technology Entrepreneurship is an enabling force for innovation and social and economic change through entrepreneurial capability development across different facets of society - education, industry, government, and DTU. Let's build a better world.
Jes Broeng Director, Professor Mobile: +45 24253835
DTU Food
The National Food Institute researches and communicates sustainable and value-adding solutions in the areas of food and health for the benefit of society and industry.
Tine Rask Licht Head of Institute, Professor Phone: +45 35887186
DTU Health Tech
Department of Health Technology educates the engineers of the future and develop new technology and solutions to improve people’s life before, during and after they are patients. We do this in close collaboration with the health sector, industry, academia and other health partners.
Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen Head of Department, Professor
DTU Learn for Life
DTU Learn for Life is DTU's platform for all types of continuing education activities and an exhibition window for DTU's technologies and know-how.
DTU Management
Department of Technology, Management and Economics conducts excellent research in the intersection between management, technology and economics. We develop solutions in close cooperation with companies and public authorities. Our research aims at strengthening welfare, productivity and sustainability within the society. A key element is the role of technology and its interaction with industry and individuals.
Mette Wier Professor, Head of Department Phone: +45 45254433
DTU Nanolab
National Centre for Nano Fabrication and Characterization is the National Centre for Nano Fabrication and Characterization in Denmark and is owned by and located at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). DTU Nanolab operates and maintains advanced processing equipment within 1350 m2, class 10-100, ISO 9001-certified, open access, pay-per-use cleanroom facilities.
Jörg Hübner Director, Ph.D. Phone: +45 45255762
DTU Offshore
Danish Offshore Technology Centre – Danish Offshore Technology Centre – is Denmark’s national R&D centre for offshore technologies and holds a central position in the energy transition. We develop research-based technology solutions for the offshore industry in the North Sea. Our research encompasses carbon storage, digital solutions for the offshore sector, produced water management, well and platform maintenance, recovery of remaining oil and gas resources, and efficient and responsible abandonment of depleted oil and gas fields.
Elena Pachkova Centre Director Mobile: +45 93511464
DTU Physics
Department of Physics prioritises research areas within modern physics which represents a significant basic scientific challenge and also has clear application perspectives. The Department has a number of state-of-the-art research facilities, including a supercomputer. Furthermore, the Department of Physics coordinates the undergraduate and master study Physics and Nanotechnology.
Jane Hvolbæk Nielsen Head of Department, Professor
DTU Skylab
DTU Skylab is DTU’s living lab for innovation and entrepreneurship. We match state-of-the-art technology and science with an ambitious and open community, where students, researchers and corporate partners meet to exchange knowledge and develop visionary solutions for real-world challenges. At DTU Skylab, the convergence of technologies and talent from different fields, combined with an entrepreneurial mindset, creates a unique culture of innovation and learning for everyone involved in our community. DTU Skylab - This place is yours.
Mikkel Sørensen Director, DTU Skylab Mobile: +45 20787317
DTU Space
With space as the starting point the National Space Institute do scientific research, develop technology, advice authorities, educate scientists and engineers for the benefit of society. This includes exploring our solar system, the universe, the Earth's magnetic field and monitoring Earth's climate and environment from space.
DTU Sustain
Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering is one of the largest university departments specializing in environmental and resource engineering in Europe. We are working to develop new environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies, methods and solutions, and to disseminate this knowledge to society and future generations of engineers.
Claus Hélix-Nielsen Professor, Head of Department Phone: +45 45252228
DTU Wind
Department of Wind Energy is a globally leading centre for wind energy with technical-scientific competences in the international front and with a unique integration of research, education and public/private sector consulting.
Morten Willaing Jeppesen Head of Department Mobile: +4593518985