
Anna Augusta Fornø

PhD Student

Anna Augusta Fornø

Department of Engineering Technology and Didactics

Lautrupvang 15

Building Ballerup Room N2.13

2750 Ballerup




I am a Research Assistant in the Section for Engineering Didactics and Pedagogy at DTU Engineering Technology. My work is centered around Engineering Education Research, and how we can develop our educational practices to improve the learning outcomes of students and educate engineers for the future. I have many interests within the field of pedagogy, teaching and learning. My work is mostly focused on how we can develop more democratic and inclusive teaching practises to improve students' participation and learning, as well as boost diversity, equity and inclusion at the university. Another focal point for me is interdisciplinarity and the development of interdisciplinary competencies for future engineers. I have a Bachelor's in Pedagogy from the University of Copenhagen and a Master's degree from Aalborg University in Learning and Innovative change. I am responsible for the Teaching Assistants' Education at DTU (offered through DTU LearningLab), where I teach and introduce new TA's at the university to the science behind teaching and learning as well as what it means to be a TA. I have previously been employed as an educational developer in DTU LearningLab.