Jesper Henri Hattel
Head of Section, ProfessorDTU CONSTRUCT
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Section of Manufacturing Engineering
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Building 425 , Room 228
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Phone: | +45 45254710 |
Mobile: | +45 51801499 |
Email: | |
ORCID: | 0000-0001-5687-4581 |
vCard: | Få tilsendt vCard på e-mail. |
Jesper Henri Hattel
Head of Section, Professor
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Section of Manufacturing Engineering
Building 425 Room 228
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Process modelling
Jesper Hattel's research area is numerical modelling of manufacturing processes, such as casting, 3D-printing moulding and welding. The materials considered are metallic or polymers. The applications vary from micro-scale over parts for automotive industry to huge parts such as wind turbine blades. The area is highly cross-disciplinary and characterized by multi-physics modelling involving areas like CFD, Numerical Heat Transfer, Computational Metarials Science and Computational Solid Mechanics.