
Kaushik Das

Associate Professor

Kaushik Das

Department of Wind and Energy Systems

DTU Wind Energy Systems Division (WES), DTU Vindenergi RES, DTU Wind DTEC

Frederiksborgvej 399

Building 115 Room S39

4000 Roskilde




Hybrid Power Plants Power System Balancing wind energy Grid Integration Control of wind power Wind power Wind farms Wind power plants renewable energy Integration of Energy Systems Integration of wind power Dynamic modelling of wind power Renewable Energy, wind power integration Renewable Integration renewable energy plants

AppointmentsAssociate Professor, Wind and Energy Systems, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), DenmarkScientific director, DTU-TotalEnergies Excellence Center, DenmarkOperating agent in IEA Wind Task 50 on Hybrid Power Plants ResearchWind EnergyHybrid Power PlantsRenewable Hybrid PlantsIntegration of Renewable Generations in Power SystemPower Systems BalancingWeather dependency of Power SystemsActive Distribution Network Teaching & EducationCoordinator - MSc in Sustainable Energy Technology- Wind Energy study line46060 : Hybrid Power Plant Design Project 46W47 : Hybrid Power Plants46230 : Power system balancing with large scale wind power46W27 : Grid connection and integration of wind powerIndividual courses : Hybrid Wind Power PlantOptimization in Wind EnergyModelling and control of wind and solar power plants Research Projects Currently working in 11 national/international research projects. Previously worked in 10 research projects which have now been completed.Operating agent in IEA Wind Task 50 on Hybrid Power PlantsDTEC project GREAT on grid services from converter-connected technologiesHorizon Europe project DTWO on the digital twin of power and energy systemsGINP H2BRIDGE project on Indo-Danish Bilateral Research Initiative on Digitalized Green Hydrogen EcosystemsHorizon Europe project HAVEN on Hybrid Energy Storage SystemHorizon Europe project SolarX on optimization and economic assessment of SolarX technologyHorizon Europe project TwinSolar on energy system modelling with high share of solarDTEC project Hybrid Power Plants Lifecycle ProjectEUDP project REALISE on Hybrid Power Plant design and operationEUDP project HybridStorage on hybridisation of different storage technologiesMSCA-ITN project WinGrid on grid support from wind and hybrid power plantsIndo-Danish IFD project HYBRIDize on sizing and operation of hybrid power plantsEU H2020 project FarmConners on wind power controlEU H2020 project TotalControl on wind power controlForskel project NetVind on active distribution networkForskel project NSON-DK on power system balancingForskel project OffshoreWake on impacts of wakes on power system balancingEU InterReg project Baltic InteGrid on wind power integration in Baltic countriesEU FP7 project iTESLA on power system resilience PhD SupervisionsMohammad Bahmani: Integration of balancing markets in the modelling of sector-coupled energy systems (Supervisors: M. Koivisto, K. Das)Katarina Obradovic: Physical and Electrical Design of Hybrid Power Plants (Supervisors: P-E Rethore, K. Das, S. Røpke, M. El Sied, N. Dkhili)Aivaras Celna: Robust Control and Stability of Multi-vendor & Multi-technology Hybrid Power Plants (Supervisors: K. Das, P.Sørensen, M. Gryning, M. B. Dowlatabadi)Soheil Pouraltafi-Kheljan: Operation and control of Hybrid Power Plants including Energy Management System (Supervisors: P. Sørensen, K. Das, M. El Sied, M. A. Rahmani)Charbel Assaad: Sizing of Hybrid Wind Power Plants Considering Operational Strategies (Supervisors: K. Das, J. P. Murcia Leon, P. Sørensen, S. Ghazouani)Fatemeh Shahnazian: Control of Hybrid Power Plants connected to weak grids (Supervisors: P. Sørensen, K. Das, A. D. Hansen, R. Yan)Rujie Zhu: Optimization and Control of Wind, Solar, and Storage in Hybrid Power Plants (Supervisors: P. Sørensen, K. Das, A. D. Hansen) - CompletedAeishwarya Baviskar: Wind power plant support for weather-dependent active distribution networks (Supervisors: A. D. Hansen, K. Das,  M. Koivisto) - CompletedJuan-Andres Perez-Rua: Design and optimization of electrical infrastructures in offshore wind power clusters (Supervisors: N. Cutululis, M. Stolpe, K. Das) - Completed Professional Activities Editor - Energies: Special issue on "Coordinated Control of Wind Power in Power Systems with a Large Share of Renewables"PhD Evaluation - Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena, SpainTask GroupOperating agent on IEA Wind Task on "Hybrid Power Plant"Working Group Member - WindEurope: System Integration "Hybrid Power Plants"Joint Working Group - Member of CIGRE JWG C6/C2.34: "Flexibility provision from Distributed Energy Resources" Advisory Committee International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop 1st International Conference on Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy in India 14th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific and Energy Engineering Conference MembershipIEA Wind, Member (Task 25: Design and operation of power systems with large amounts of wind power, Task 41: Distributed Wind) CIGRE, Member IEEE, Senior Member (Power & Energy Society)