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Yanlin Shao

Yanlin Shao

Associate Professor

Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

Section of Fluid Mechanics, Coastal and Maritime Engineering

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Koppels Allé

Building 403 , Room 128

2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Phone:+45 45254120

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Yanlin Shao

Associate Professor

Yanlin Shao

Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

Section of Fluid Mechanics, Coastal and Maritime Engineering

Koppels Allé

Building 403 Room 128

2800 Kgs. Lyngby



Yanlin Shao


Wave loads Marine hydrodynamics Offshore floating structures Aquaculture structures Mooring system Sloshing CFD

Yanlin Shao is an associate professor and study lead of the Nordic Master in Maritime Engineering programme in the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). His main research interests are in the modeling of ocean waves and their interaction with various marine structures, e.g. ships, offshore structures, floating wind/wave-energy devices, marine aquaculture structures, etc.  He received a Ph.D. in marine hydrodynamics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in 2010. He has been a visiting associate professor at NTNU (2019) and a guest professor at Harbin Engineering University (2017-2020). Before joining DTU, he worked in DNV and Sevan Marine (now Sevan SSP) on hydrodynamics and mooring design.  His research has been funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark, COWI Fonden, Research Council of Norway, and DNVGL Technology Leadership. He has authored more than 100 scientific publications in the Journal of Computational Physics, Physics of Fluids, Physical Review Fluids, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, etc. He also serves as an associate editor for ASME Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Expertise: ship and offshore hydrodynamics; wave-structure interaction; sloshing; boundary element method; floaters and mooring systems. Offering MSc thesis projects on ship seakeeping/added resistance/stability/slamming and hull-girder vibration; floating ocean energy systems; marine aquaculture systems; sloshing in liquid tanks; mooring dynamics, etc.