
Tejs Vegge

Professor, Head of Section

Tejs Vegge

Department of Energy Conversion and Storage


Building 313 Room 324

2800 Kgs. Lyngby




Tejs Vegge


Density Functional Theory (DFT) Materials for energy conversion and storage Atomic scale kinetics Computational materials design Electrochemistry and catalysis

Head of Section for Autonomous Materials Discovery (AMD) Main Research Areas: Autonomous materials discovery, Integrated computational and experimental design and characterization of novel materials for energy conversion and storage:Accelerated computational, experimental and AI-based discovery of clean energy materialsAutonomous discovery of electrode and electrolyte materials for next-generation batteriesMaterials for electrochemical production and solid state storage of hydrogen and ammoniaNanoparticle electrocatalysts for sustainable production of synthetic fuels and chemicals Publications Overview: see ORCID 0000-0002-1484-0284 or Research ID A-9419-2011 Active Research Projects:Pioneer Center “CAPeX: Pioneer Center for Accelerating P2X Materials Discovery” (2023-2036)Independent Research Fund Denmark - Green Transition. DFF-3 “DELIGHT: DEep Learning Green cHemical CaTalysis ” (2021-2024)H2020-LC-BAT-12 “BIG-MAP: Battery Interface Genome – Materials Acceleration Platform” (2020-2023).H2020-LC-BAT-15 “Battery2030Plus” (2020-2023).Novo Nordisk Fonden “SURE: Self-correcting Unsupervised Reaction Energies” (2020-2023)The Villum Foundations – “V-Sustain: The Villum Center for the Science of Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals” (2016-2024)