
Tim C. McAloone

Head of Section, Professor

Tim C. McAloone

Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

Section of Design for Sustainability

Koppels Allé

Building 402 Room 122

2800 Kgs. Lyngby




Tim C. McAloone


Circular Economy Product development Ecodesign Sustainable development Innovation in product development Product/service-systems (PSS)

Tim McAloone is Professor of Design for Sustainability at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). He collaborates closely with Danish and international industries, developing new methods and models for addressing a wide range of sustainability issues, including circular economy, design for sustainability, and eco-innovation. Tim leads numerous research initiatives focusing on sustainability through design, with a primary focus on the manufacturing industry and industrial companies. His international network is extensive. Tim serves as Head of DTU Construct’s Section of Design for Sustainability and Co-Lead of the DTU Centre for Absolute Sustainability. Additionally, he holds board memberships and advisory roles in several organisations, including the Design Society, where he served as President from 2019 to 2023. Tim earned his PhD from Cranfield University in 1998, where he researched the integration of eco-design strategies into industry. He has also been a guest professor at Stanford University, focusing on product and service innovation for sustainability. Follow this link for further information about Tim's research, teaching and industrial activities.