From left to right. Winners of Grand Solutions: Jørgen Arendt Jensen and Erik Vilain Thomsens; Innovator of the Year: Mads Bonde; Søren Pind, Minister for Higher Education and Scinece; Flemming Besenbacher, vice chariman at Innovation Fund Denmar; and Talents of the Year: Qi Hu, Carl Meusinger, and David Bue. Photo: Ditte Valente

Major prize for portable ultrasound

Electronics Wind energy Image analysis Hardware and components Software and programming Computer calculations Innovation and product development Entrepreneurship Health technology
Innovation Fund Denmark awarded five new prizes at the EliteForsk conference on 23 February. Four current and former DTU researchers were among the recipients.

Innovation Fund Denmark awarded five new prizes at the EliteForsk award ceremony at Glyptoteket in Copenhagen on 23 February. The prizes covered three categories: Grand Solutions, Innovator of the Year, and Talents of the Year.

The fund wrote in a press release that the awards are presented to exceptional individuals who have distinguished themselves in their field, and that the winners are being acclaimed for their innovative ideas, inspiring research, and contribution to society.

“Better exploitation of our research requires investment in things no one has yet created. This is Innovation Fund Denmark's focus. I’m therefore pleased that all of our five prizes are going to people and projects that advance the business community and influence our society and the way we live,” says Peter Høngaard Andersen, Director of Innovation Fund Denmark.

Grand Solutions


Erik Vilain Thomas (left) og Jørgen Arendt Jensen (right). Photo: Innovation Fund Denmark

Professor Jørgen Arendt Jensen from DTU Electrical Engineering and Erik Vilain Thomas from DTU Nanotech received Innovation Fund Denmark's Grand Solutions prize, DKK 1 million (EUR 134,000) for their research, and a visual work of art by photographer Nicolai Howalt.

The two DTU researchers received the award for developing a new way to perform ultrasound scans—using a portable ultrasound scanner which can be used in hospitals or ambulances, at the doctor’s clinic, or in the patient’s home. It also costs only a tenth of what a conventional scanner costs, is easier to use, and produces better images. This leads to savings, better diagnosis and shorter waiting times.

Innovation Fund Denmark explained their decision as follows:

“The project has developed radical new methods for producing ultrasound images. Professor Jørgen Arendt Jensen has played a key role in the development of algorithms for imaging, while Erik Vilain Thomsen has been responsible for developing scanner heads for row-column scanning. There has also been close collaboration with BK Ultrasound. This has allowed further innovation among other Danish commercial players. Special emphasis was given to the specific and documentable value creation and the effective cooperation between research and industry.”

Read more about Jørgen Arendt Jensen and Erik Vilain Thomsen's new ultrasound scanner: 

This year's talents


Two DTU researchers are among the three recipients of this year’s ‘Talents of the Year’ awards, and received a personal honorary prize of DKK 50,000 (EUR 6,700) and a visual work of art by photographer Nicolai Howalt.

Qi Hu. Photo: Innovation Fund Denmark

PhD student Qi Hu from DTU Fotonik has contributed to the development of an industrial anemometer with a unique measuring accuracy and range, compared to what exists on the market. This means that the wind turbines will be able to produce more power, as more accurate wind measurements lead to better utilization of optimal weather conditions.

Innovation Fund Denmark explained their decision as follows:

“Qi Hu’s work has led to important and scientifically surprising conclusions, which he has documented in a number of publications in respected journals. In addition to the scientific quality of Qi Hu's work, he has demonstrated strong commercial understanding and his work has had a major business impact for Windar Photonics A/S, with his discoveries being key to the company's products today. It is striking that the results from an industrial PhD project have already been implemented. During the period of Qi Hu's industrial PhD, Windar Photonics has been listed on the London Stock Exchange with a seven-figure market value.”

David Bue Pedersen. Photo: Innovation Fund Denmark

David Bue Pedersen, a researcher from DTU Mechanical Engineering, has developed solutions for 3D printing moulds for LEGO bricks that have made rapid and inexpensive production possible at LEGO. Elements of these solutions are ready for implementation at LEGO, while others are being patented.

Innovation Fund Denmark explained their decision as follows:

“David Bue Pedersen’s work has demonstrated strong commercial understanding, and he is a capable candidate who pushes the limits of technology and creates impressive industrial results. David Bue Pedersen has demonstrated the quality of his research results in multiple publications, and received a best paper award at an international conference in 2016. He has also drawn on his research expertise to supervise several PhD students and has demonstrated his commercial research expertise and understanding by successfully obtaining a number of grants for project partnerships between universities and various private companies.”

Learn more: 'Best Paper Award to David Bue Pedersen'.

Innovator of the Year


Mads Trillinggaard Bonde. Photo: Innovation Fund Denmark

The Innovator of the Year award went to Mads Tvillinggaard Bonde, who started the company Labster while studying at DTU. Mads Tvillinggaard Bonde is currently an honorary associate professor at the University of Copenhagen, which recommended him for the award. He received a personal honorary award of DKK 250,000 (EUR 34,000) and a visual work of art by photographer Nicolai Howalt.

Labster has designed virtual and interactive laboratories which can be used in connection with tuition. By combining elements from games, laboratory experiments and classical teaching, the tuition has been improved and gives students the opportunity to perform experiments using equipment that would otherwise not be available.

Labster is currently being used by over 150 universities and institutions around the world, including DTU, the University of Copenhagen, Harvard Medical School, ETH Zurich and MIT.

Learn more: