Jørgen Arendt Jensen
Head of Section, Professor, Ph.D., Dr.Techn.
Department of Health Technology
Ørsteds Plads
Building 349 Room 222
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
I am professor of Biomedical Signal Processing at the Department of Electrical Engineering (DTU Elektro), the Technical University of Denmark and the head of Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging.CFU is a collaboration between DTU, Bk Medical, Rigshospitalet and DTU Nanotech. My main interest is the application of digital signal processing to medical ultrasound; especially synthetic aperture imaging, vector flow imaging, and ultrasound simulation. This includes development of algorithms for performing fast acquisition of clinical images, characterization and development of estimation algorithms for determining blood velocities, and efficient and accurate simulation of ultrasound systems. I teach in courses onmedical imaging. I am also one of the initiators of the biomedical engineering education jointly offered by the Technical University of Denmark and the University of Copenhagen. You can find more information about the education here For more information see my home page: www.bme.elektro.dtu.dk/jaj/