DTU Microbes Conference 2024: Microbes for one Health


DTU Microbes Conference 2024: Microbes for one Health


28. maj 2024 08:30 - 21:00


Glassalen (Glass Hall), Building 101A
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby


DTU Microbes Initiative


Vanesa Sánchez-Guajardo


DTU Microbes Conference 2024: Microbes for one Health

This conference will bring together DTU researchers, alumni, industry professionals, and other experts to explore the latest insights, technologies, innovations, and solutions in microbes-related research. This year we focus on our planets health and how microbes are essential for its wellbeing.

Join us for the DTU Microbes Conference 2024 on 28th May

With themes covering 1) Environmental & planetary health, 2) Animal health, 3) Human health, you will have the chance to hear from leading voices in the held and learn about cutting-edge research and activities that are shaping our understanding and use of these fascinating microscopic organisms. Each session will be opened by an invited Keynote speaker.

You will have the opportunity to showcase your own work as one of the selected presenters in each session or during the poster to engage with fellow researchers and professionals in the field.

Do remember to submit your abstract by April 12th to microbes-initiative@dtu.dk to be considered as one of the selected 12 senior or 7 PhD student speakers. Speakers will be selected by ECAC.

Join us for what promises to be a dynamic and inspiring day. This is a chance to connect with others who share your passion for microbes and their impact on us and the world around us.

REGISTER: www.conferencemanager.dk/dtumicrobesconference2024

The symposium is free of charge.

Registration deadline is 12. April 2024