PhD defence
Aurelia Pereira Gabellini will defend her PhD thesis
Aurelia Pereira Gabellini, DTU Aqua, will defend her PhD thesis, “Ecological Connectivity in the Atlantic Ocean: Past, Present and Future”.

Aurelia Pereira Gabellini, DTU Aqua, will defend her PhD thesis, “Ecological Connectivity in the Atlantic Ocean: Past, Present and Future”, on Friday, 21 March 2025 at 13:00 p.m.
You can attend the defence online on Zoom via this link or in person at DTU, Anker Engelunds Vej, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, building 303A, auditorium 44.
In her thesis, Aurelia Pereira Gabellini focuses on understanding interconnections among organisms and between organisms and their habitats. A key concept in this is marine connectivity, which describes how systems are interdependent. Aurelia Pereira Gabellini has conducted research into the ecological connectivity of different marine organisms, specifically the dispersal of early life stages in several fish species and a mollusk.
The results can help understand the variation in the abundance of early life stages, which is important for the sustainable management of species. The results can also provide insight into the spread of non-indigenous species and can potentially inform the establishment of marine protected areas.
A copy of the thesis is available for reading at DTU Aqua. Please contact PhD Coordinator Susan Zumbach Johannesen,
- Professor Brian Mackenzie, DTU Aqua (chair)
- Associate Professor Anna Beatrice Neuheimer, Aarhus Universitet, Denmark
- Professor Enrico Zambianchi, University of Rome, Italy
Chair at defence
- Senior Researcher Stefan Neuenfeldt, DTU Aqua
- Principal Supervisor: Professor Patrizio Mariani, DTU Aqua
- Co-supervisor: Senior Researcher Asbjørn Christensen, DTU Aqua
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