PhD Defence: ”Metrology of Multiview energy dispersive X-ray CT instruments”

PhD Defence: ”Metrology of Multiview energy dispersive X-ray CT instruments”


17. dec 2024 13:00 - 16:00


DTU Lyngby,
Building 306,
Auditorium 35


Professor Henning Friis Poulsen, DTU Physics

PhD defence

PhD Defence: ”Metrology of Multiview energy dispersive X-ray CT instruments”

Steffen Sloth will defend their PhD thesis on "Metrology of Multiview energy dispersive X-ray CT instruments", December 17th 2024


Professor Henning Friis Poulsen - DTU Physics  


Evaluation Board:

Director, Dr. Habil. Anne-Françoise Obaton - French National Metrology Institute (NMI)
Dean, Professor José Antonio Yagüe Fabra - School of Engineering and Architecture Zaragoza
Chair, Senior Researcher Rajmund Mokso - DTU Physics



Associate Professor Kristoffer Haldrup - DTU Physics