Sustainable construction

Students test noise barriers made from clay soil

DTU students are helping to push the development of sustainable building materials by testing clay soil noise barriers. The results look promising.

DTU students Rasmus Asbjørn Høy-Pedersen (left) and Mads Dalby Kamper are involved in mixing, producing and testing the clay soil, which is the main ingredient in the noise barriers. Photo: Bax Lindhardt


Behind the development project are DTU, the Danish Road Directorate, Capital Region of Denmark, and three private partners. The construction company Remco supplied soil for the project, Holbøll supplied equipment such as mixers and tamping equipment for producing demonstration clay walls, and Thi Dencker Arkitekter worked on the design of the noise barriers.


Around 22 per cent of Denmark's carbon footprint comes from the building and construction sector. By building more sustainably, we can reduce energy consumption and thus greenhouse gas emissions.

Read more about DTU's research focusing on climate resilience, circular construction and energy in buildings.


Ida Maria Gieysztor Bertelsen

Ida Maria Gieysztor Bertelsen Assistant Professor Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering Phone: +45 45254046 Mobile: +45 28512986

Per Goltermann

Per Goltermann Professor Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering Phone: +45 45251684 Mobile: +45 21389123