Green Challenge

Viktor purifies rainwater using chlorine, salt, and electricity

Viktor Ryle Tamstorf, an MSc Eng student at DTU, wants to increase access to clean drinking water. For this purpose, he has developed an award-winning small disinfection unit that can purify rainwater using only chlorine, salt, and electricity.

Green Challenge is held at DTU Skylab on the last Friday of DTU's spring semester. Viktor Ryle Tamstorf is seen here at one of the building's entrances. Photo: Magnus Møller.
Viktor Ryle Tamstorf completed his undergraduate programme in Design and Innovation in the spring of 2023 and is currently in the master's programme in Design and Innovation. Photo: Magnus Møller.


Once a year, DTU organizes Green Challenge; a student conference where students present their sustainable projects developed as an integrated part of the educational activities.

In addition to the students’ actual sustainable projects, Green Challenge gives the students additional practical experience in areas such as communications and networking. That happens in relation to participation in conferences, preparation of abstracts, project presentations to people who do not necessarily have an engineering background and face to face meeting with other students and people from judge panels. Moreover, many projects contain elements of innovation.

Read more about Green Challenge.


Marianne Thellersen

Marianne Thellersen Senior Vice President - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Office for Research, Advice and Innovation