The Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity aims to distinguish persons and organizations worldwide that contribute to mitigating the impacts of climate change. The IPCC shares the prize with the with Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
The Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity is awarded for innovative and impactful contributions to mitigation of information and adaption to climate change. The Jury, led by Dr Angela Merkel, chose the IPCC and IPBES from 116 nominees from 41 different countries. According to the jury, the two organisations stand out by showing the importance of the relationship between science, climate, biodiversity, and society and that they represent the best that is going on in the world within this field.
The IPCC and IPBES receive 1 million Euros, of which the IPCC’s share will go towards funding their Scholarship Programme. The programme supports young researchers and strengthens equity and inclusion by providing scholarships to doctoral students from developing nations and countries with economies in transition.
Professor Kirsten Halsnæs is a coordinating lead author of working group III in the IPCC on mitigation policies, and Kirsten highly appreciates the prize since this is showing there is a strong need for scientifically based knowledge on how fast and deep mitigation policies can be supported.