DTU researchers receive DKK 10 million from the Lundbeck Foundation

The Lundbeck Foundation awards Experiment grants worth DKK 49 million to 25 bold projects.

The Glass Hall


Alexander Kai Büll

Alexander Kai Büll Professor Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine Phone: +45 45254061

Line Katrine Harder Clemmensen

Line Katrine Harder Clemmensen Associate Professor Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Jan Becker Høgsberg

Jan Becker Høgsberg Associate Professor Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering Phone: +45 45251971

Anurag Kumar Sinha

Anurag Kumar Sinha Researcher DTU National Food Institute Mobile: +45 71537853

Winnie Edith Svendsen

Winnie Edith Svendsen Professor Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine Mobile: +45 31259369