Two DTU professors receive Semper Ardens Advance grants

Lars A. Buchhave and Shfaqat Abbas Khan are two of this year’s ten Semper Ardens Advance grant recipients.

Technical University of Denmark, Building 101
Technical University of Denmark, Main entrance. Photo: Vibeke Hempler

The Carlsberg Foundation is a commercial foundation that awarded DKK 758 million in 2021 to fulfil the foundation's mission; to support excellent research at a high international level carried out by Danish researchers as well as international researchers with special ties to Danish research environments. The Carlsberg Foundation was founded by brewer J.C. Jacobsen in 1876.

The grants include travel grants for postdocs, apparatus grants, support for major multi-annual projects, conferences and publications, and support for research stays.

Semper Ardens Advance

Five-year grants of DKK 15-20 million, granted every two years. The grant is targeted at internationally renowned professors who pursue visionary research projects aimed at interdisciplinary breakthroughs. Emphasis will be placed on projects where applicants enter a new scientific territory.
