Sustainable campus

Use energy with care

Employees and students can contribute to reducing energy consumption at DTU. Experience shows that good energy habits can reduce electricity consumption by approx. 10 per cent.

DTU Lyngby Campus. Photo: Open House


1. Switch off lights, monitors, computers, and other electronics when you go home.
2. Talk to colleagues about where you can save energy at work.
3. Take a walk around your office to see if there is anything to switch off.


Together we can change energy habits - for a sustainable DTU

Did you know we can reduce our energy consumption by approximately 10%?

The key to sustainable energy consumption at DTU revolves around our habits. Therefore, we can all help save energy with a few simple tips.

Read more at Inside Hjælp med at spare på energien - DTU Inside

If you have questions or input please contact CAS at

Distribution of electricity consumption at DTU Lyngby Campus

Lighting and IT
Installations primarily supply electricity for light and sockets, but also PCs, table lamps, height-adjustable desks, etc.

Building installations
Installations supply electricity to ventilation systems, heat pumps, refrigeration systems, compressed air systems and the like.

Instruments and equipment in laboratories
Installations primarily supply electricity to equipment in laboratories.