Space research
DTU neighbours attend lecture on space
Around 100 residents from Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality visited DTU Space for an event to gain insight into the fascinating space research conducted right in the heart of the city.

Science Girls
Among the participants were 45 girls who are part of a club called ‘Science Girls’. The club is an initiative under Science City and consists of girls aged 13-19. The purpose is for them to meet young female role models in businesses and knowledge environments to see what you can become if you enroll in a science study programme.
One of the girls who participated at DTU Space was 14-year-old Emilie Troels Melgaard, who is a 7th grader at Virum Skole:
“I thought it was really exciting. We heard about many different topics, including that the sea ice is melting. At school, it’s difficult to get an insight into where the ice is melting and by how much. But here models and satellite images showed you the development over five years. It was also exciting to hear about SpaceX with Elon Musk—mostly because I could recognize some of the images.”
Knowledge and university city
The so-called ‘Knowledge & Wine events’ are an important part of the work of the City of Knowledge & Urban Creativity, where they are working to develop Lyngby-Taarbæk into one of Europe’s leading knowledge and university cities with a dynamic business and start-up environment with close university links. Says Marianna Lubanski, CEO of Science City Lyngby:
“We organize these knowledge events because it’s important to show the residents of the municipality what is going on and how much knowledge is being produced in Lyngby. This applies to university, educational institutions, entrepreneurial environments, and businesses. In this way, we hope to build bridges between the business sector and educational institutions.”
Niels Andersen Senior Chief Consultant National Space Institute Phone: +45 45259783 Mobile: +45 21274365