Space Research

This is how DTU explores Earth and the universe from space

Researchers from DTU are investigating both the climate on Earth and the distant galaxies of the universe from space. Currently is ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen testing several DTU projects on the International Space Station. Listen to him live from space and learn more about DTU's space research.

Researchers from DTU Space have, among other things, obtained fascinating images of violent storms over the Earth using the ASIM observatory on the International Space Station. Photo: ESA..
ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen

Join the DTU Ørsted Lectures

Time: 23 February 3:00-4:10 PM

Place: DTU, Sportshallen, Anker Engelunds Vej 1, Building 101B, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby.

Tickets are limited and are on a first-come, first-served basis.

PS: When you sign up for the lecture, you can write a question that you would like to ask Andreas Mogensen during the event. 2-3 questions will be selected. (For students only).

The event is in English and will be live streamed. The live stream is available to everyone and does not require registration.


2:30 PM: Doors open
3:00 PM: Provost, Rasmus Larsen, welcome attendees
3:10 PM: Expert panel discusses DTU's research projects on ISS and space research in general
• Professor John Leif Jørgensen, DTU Space
• Professor Anja C. Andersen, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
• Chief Consultant Per Lundahl Thomsen, DTU Space
3:45 PM: Live connection to Andreas Mogensen, broadcasting from ISS
4:10 PM: Event ends