The fellowship programme is operated out of GreenLab in Skive in collaboration with DTU, co-financed by the VILLUM FONDEN, and includes Aarhus University as an additional academic partner. The programme has been launched to support interdisciplinary research within the green solutions of the future.
Together with two other researchers, Tao Jiang and Bilal Siddique Khan ensure a wide range of expertise. They all work at the interface between energy, chemistry, environment, economics, and resources, but all from their unique perspectives. Together, they will start defining the challenges and issues they will work on within the overarching theme “Energy-Agricultural Nexus”.
About the fellowship programme, Tao Jiang says: ”I'm eager to connect with different site partners and GreenLab fellows through this fellowship to identify production-related challenges. My main expectation is to work together to achieve optimal sharing of water within the park with the help from DTU Sustain.”
In connection to the fellowship programme, Bilal Siddique Khan says: ”Through this fellowship, I aim to further the transition toward renewable and sustainable energy systems by closely collaborating with industry leaders. Such partnerships will enable me to conduct applied research and contribute to solving real-world challenges.”
Read more at GreenLab.