
Q&A with Christine Nellemann: Changing the world through collaboration

DTU has been engaged with sustainability for decades, but according to DTU's Dean for Sustainability and International Collaborations, Christine Nellemann, there is a need for increased collaboration across disciplines. The new dean is responsible for areas that create coherence across the university. It is precisely this coherence that will give DTU a more significant global impact.

 Dean Christine Nellemann works to ensure that DTU achieves greater global impact in relation to a sustainable transition of our society. Photo: Marie Bentzon

DTU publishes an annual sustainability report utilizing the ESG framework (Environmental, Social, Governance), which assesses environmental, social, and governance aspects.

The report offers an overview of DTU's sustainability efforts, highlighting the university's ambitions. By presenting operational data on climate aspects, health and safety information, initiatives related to ethical business conduct and integrity, and outlining policies and focal points, the report outlines initiatives and goals aligning with the university's trajectory leading up to 2025.

Explore the report and discover more about DTU and its commitment to sustainability.

Learn more about DTU's work on responsible resource consumption in the Sustainability Report 2023 (in Danish only)