News about names

DTU researchers receive grants from the Carlsberg Foundation

The Carlsberg Foundation is awarding DKK 613 million to 188 scientific activities that will generate fundamental insights and discoveries in the coming years.

DTU Lyngby Campus


Cathrine Frandsen

Cathrine Frandsen Professor, Head of Section Department of Physics

Rasmus Bjørk

Rasmus Bjørk Professor Department of Energy Conversion and Storage Phone: +45 46775895

Cornelia Jaspers

Cornelia Jaspers Senior Researcher National Institute of Aquatic Resources Phone: +45 35883247 Mobile: 93 51 17 74

Isaac Appelquist Løge

Isaac Appelquist Løge Postdoc Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Mobile: +45 53141399

Kirstine Berg-Sørensen

Kirstine Berg-Sørensen Groupleader, Associate Professor Department of Health Technology Mobile: +45 22275868

Line Katrine Harder Clemmensen

Line Katrine Harder Clemmensen Associate Professor Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Mads Rud Larsen

Mads Rud Larsen Postdoc Department of Physics Mobile: +45 51881715

Mikkel Bentzon-Tilia

Mikkel Bentzon-Tilia Associate Professor Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine

Navid Ranjbar

Navid Ranjbar Senior Researcher Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering Phone: +45 45254799