Information security is crucial in highly digitalised societies, and the world’s cybersecurity infrastructure is constantly under pressure due to hacking attacks. The development of quantum computing poses a further fundamental threat, as a quantum computer will be able to break through many current security measures. This may compromise the safety of systems such as MitID.
The threat from quantum computers and other sophisticated attacks can be met by quantum cryptography. Here, high-quality, certified randomness is key. The security of both classical and quantum cryptographic protocols relies on the use of random numbers that are unpredictable to potential adversaries. These random numbers can be generated with a so-called random number generator.
The TripleQ project (Development, test and validation of 3 secure, ultra-fast and low-cost quantum random number generators) aims to develop cutting-edge random number generators with a high security level. The overall goal is to develop, test and validate secure, low-cost, and ultra-fast quantum random number generators for use as key components in next-generation cryptographic applications.