Agnieszka Podolska-Charlery
Senior Scientific Officer
DTU National Food Institute
Research Group for Microbial Biotechnology and Biorefining , Research Group for Chemical Risk Assessment and GMO
Henrik Dams Allé
Building 201 Room 006
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Human health Risk assessment Case by case risk assessment Science based risk assessment Gene therapy Molecular biology Genetic engineering Vaccines Scientific advice GMO
I work as a Senior Scientific Officer in the Group for Chemical Risk Assessment and GMO at the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark. I am responsible for implementing the human health risk assessment of genetically modified viruses and animals in accordance with the Danish Act on Environment and Gene Technology (Dansk Lov om Miljø og Genteknologi). The scope of my tasks is to advise The Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Miljøstyrelsen) and The Danish Agricultural Agency (Landbrugsstyrelsen) and provide the independent, science based human health risk assessment for medicine that has been developed using genetically modified organisms (GMO); such as vaccines and gene therapy medication. Furthermore, my task is to assess human health risk associated with new research projects, involving GMO viruses or animals, conducted at Danish research institutions. I possess broad experience in molecular biology gained from a variety of biological platforms and models. I have a PhD in Genetics and Bioinformatics followed by 6 years of post-doctoral research experience. I have extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in genetics, transcriptomics, RT-qPCR, NGS, CRISPR-Cas9, molecular cloning, as well as newly acquired knowledge of viral RNA structure and protein expression and purification. I am a skilled teacher with university pedagogy training and experience in teaching and supervision.