
Anders Baun

Professor, Head of Section Environmental Contamination and Chemicals

Anders Baun

Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering


Building 115 Room 140

2800 Kgs. Lyngby





Nanomaterials Risk assessment Ecotoxicology Chemicals Environmental Chemistry

Anders Baun is professor in risk assessment of nanomaterials and head of the Environmental Fate and Effects of Chemicals Section at the Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark. He has a M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering (DTU, 1994) and holds a Ph.D. in application of biotests for characterization of contaminated water samples (DTU, 1998). His post doc. research focused at risk assessment, chemical, and biological aspects of groundwater pollution. His main research area has since 2006 been environmental risk assessment of nanomaterials. Here he works in the interface between science and regulation with a strong focus on novel experimental approaches for fate and effects assessment of nanomaterials. In 2011 Anders Baun received one the European Research Council’s Consolidator Grants for excellent European researchers. He has been the project leader at DTU for several research projects receiving both national and international funding, e.g. five EU FP7/H2020 projects. He is the author of more than 250 scientific peer-reviewed contributions, >130 of which are ISI papers. Several of his papers are published in very high ranked journals like Nature Nanotechnology and Angewandte Chemie (invited review).  In 2021 his ISI papers were cited more than 1,000 times. Since 2012 he has been associate editor for Nanotoxicology one of the world’s leading journals in toxicity of nanomaterials. He has been an expert member of several international committees on nanomaterials and risk, e.g. EU’s scientific committee for new and emerging risks (SCENIHR) and the Swiss Research Foundation programme for nanotechnology In 2008 he received the DADES Environmental Award, in 2011 the Statoil Technology Prize, and the World Cultural Council’s Special Recognition Award 2012 for his research in environmental effects of nanomaterials.  In 2009 he was awarded as “PhD Supervisor of the Year” at DTU. Anders Baun has supervised 19 Ph.D. students (13 as main supervisor), two of which has been rewarded for the excellence of their PhD theses. He has supervised 42 M.Sc. projects at DTU and given more than 500 lectures at M.Sc. and B.Sc. level at Danish universities.