Anna Rindorf
Professor, Head of Section
National Institute of Aquatic Resources
Section for Ecosystem based Marine Management
Henrik Dams Allé
Building 201 Room 050
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Ecosystem based advice biodiversity food webs cooperative management human impacts
My research combines knowledge of ecological processes, advanced statistics and collaboration with stakeholders at the interface between natural, social and economic science to solve pressing management questions. I enjoy the process of unraveling challenges to understanding and managing ecosystems through quantifying ecosystem processes and subsequently considering how to adapt human activities to achieve stated objectives. I focus my work in four areas: Linking changes in ecosystems to natural variation, population dynamics and human impactsDeveloping and using indicators for biodiversity, food webs and pelagic ecosystems, predator and prey growth and condition, species distribution and measures of natural mortalityDefining management objectives and advice to achieve these in a way that is robust to ecosystem changes by developing and analysing indicators in a full ecosystem context and developing and using ways to address trade-offs between management objectivesEcosystem based advice that is scientifically justifiable, reflects wider societal objectives and is feasible in a cooperative management setting.