Anpan Han
Senior Researcher
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Section of Manufacturing Engineering
Building 425 Room 213
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Associate Prof. (Senior Forsker) Dr. Anpan Han Personal information: Male, Danish Citizen Married and 2 children. ORCID: 0000-0001-6878-9886 EDUCATION Institute of Microtechnology (now part of EPFL), Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Ph.D. in Micro and Nanotechnology. 2006. Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1997 – 2002 M. Sc. in Biophysics, B. Sc, in Biophysics, B. Sc in Physics. SCIENTIFIC FOCUS AREA: Micro and nanoscale additive manufacturing: 3D lithography, Icetronix. Nanofabrication technology and science: diamond MEMS, and complex MEMS processes. Making a difference for our climate. CAREER HISTORY Associate Prof. (Senior Forsker) at DTU Mech. Eng., Technical University of Denmark. 2018 – now Assistant Professor at DTU Nanolab, Technical University of Denmark. 2014 - 2018 Research in Micro and Nanofabrication Technology. Aarhus University: Manager atnanofabrication facilities. 2011 – 2014 Responsible for purchasing and installation of advanced instrument for nanofabrication and characterization. Responsible for safety, scientific coordination, education and research. Laboratory investment between 2008 to 2014: 70 M Dkk, 50 M for building, 20 M for instruments and most was installed during my tenure. Refered to Prof. Flemming Besenbacher and Prof. Niels Christian Nielsen. Harvard University: Postdoc. 2008 – 2011 Prof. Jene Golovchenko, Prof. Dan Branton, Prof. Lene Hau. Rapid de novo electronic DNA sequencing using nanopore devices. Ice lithography research. Method for rapid fabrication of contamination-free nanodevices. Fabrication of sub- 10 nm structures on 3D substrates. Built the first ice lithography instrument. CTO in start-up company. 2006 - 2007. AWARDS and FELLOWSHIPS Post-doctoral fellowship from the Carlsberg Foundation, 2008-2010. €90000. Internationalization: Ph.D. Grant from the Danish Council for Indep. Res., 2003-2006. €120000. GRANTS: current projects are underlined, total: €2.7 M 2019-2022: μCoilImplant: Dr. Rubaiyet Haque (I am the host). Eurotech Marie-Curie €130000 2019-2023: CAMLICA: 3D Micro-Coil Array Medical Implant for Cortical Activation. Obama BRAIN Initiative. Lundbeck Foundation, €390000. 2018-2021: Next generation neuroscience. Obama BRAIN Initiative. Lundbeck Foundation (co-PI), €200000. 2018-2021: Superpower. Eurostar. WP leader, total budget is € 1.25 M, DTU share is €300000. 2018-2020: NanoE-ICE, Dr. Ding Zhao (I am the host.), HC Ørsted Post-doc, €130000 2017-2019: Ice lithography and Holography (co-PI), Villum foundation, 2017-2019, €130000 2014-2018: Organic ice resists, internal PhD scholarship, € 280000 equivalent. 2014-2018: Material science of ultra-thin-films, € 280000 equivalent. 2014-2018: Tinypower, Innovation Foundation, WP leader, total budget is € 3.5 M, my share is €430000 2014-2017: Smart nanopores for nanomedicine (co-applicant), Danish Council for Indep. Res. €336000. PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE Work package leader (WPL) in Superpower project (Eurostar 2019-2022) WPL with 4 partners in TinyPower project (Innovationsfonden 2014-2018) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS EPFL Switzerland 4 years, Harvard University USA 3 years. Post-doc and STUDENT SUPERVISION: Current PhD students: Affan Waafi, Nicolas Bergtram (DTU/KU) Current post-doc: Rubaiyet Haques (Eurotech Marie Curie) Past: Post-docs: Dr. Anna Elsukova. Dr. Ding Zhao (Ørsted Marie Curie). PhD students: Matteo Todeschini (DTU), William Tiddi (DTU), Hoa Thanh Le (DTU). Jesper Vinther (AU), Ling Zhang (AU), PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES and SERVICES Member: IEEE, ACS Conference program committee and Session Chair: IEEE sensors 2012, MNE 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020. Editor: Elsevier, Microelectronic Engineering 2018-2019 Journal review: Microelec. Eng., Micro and Nanoeng., Nanoscale, ACS Interface applied materials., IOP Nanotech. Grant application review: Netherlands org. sci. res. ACADEMIC METRICS (GOOGLE SCHOLAR) Number of journal publications with impact factor > 6: 13, Total publications: 24, First author: 10, Corresponding author: 6. Google Scholar: citations 802, H-index 13. TEACHING DTU MEK: Coordinating and teaching new 5 ECTS course “Introduction to additive manufacturing”. DTU Danchip: Methods in Micro and Nanofabrication, course number 33651. Laboratory course at EPFL: Fabrication of solar cells. Fabrication of atomic force microscope probes. PATENTS: D. Branton, A. Han, J. A. Golovchenko. 2014 Electron beam processing with condensed ice. US 8790863