
Asmus Skar Christiansen

Associate Professor

Asmus Skar Christiansen

Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering


Building 119 Room 167

2800 Kgs. Lyngby





Pavement mechanics Computational modelling Constitutive modelling Pavement analysis Fracture mechanics Fiber optic sensors Finite element method Sensors Inverse problems Waste-based materials Soil-Structure-Interaction

Asmus Skar Christiansen is an Associate Professor at DTU with a broad civil engineering background focusing on pavement technology, structural- and geotechnical engineering. After receiving his Master’s degree in 2009, he began to work as a pavement engineer in the industry. He entered the Danish Industrial PhD programme in 2013, whereafter he joined DTU as a Postdoc researcher in 2017. His main research activities involve development of new testing, modelling and analysis techniques for pavements and underground constructions, as well as ideas directed towards the integration of modern sensing technologies within traditional civil engineering constructions. Asmus is the head of study and coordinator of the Nordic Master in Cold Climate Engineering programme (https://www.coldclimate-master.org/). Moreover, Asmus, is a lecturer in undergraduate courses in pavement engineering, road construction in the Arctic and foundation design of buildings, and supervise and co-supervise Ph.D. students, M.Sc. and B.Sc. thesis projects. Asmus Skar Christiansen is available for consultancy and supervision. Employments 07/2023 → present: Associate Professor in pavement engineering, DTU Sustain 01/2020 → 06/2023: Assistant Professor in pavement engineering, DTU Byg 10/2017 → 12/2019: Postdoc in pavement mechanics, DTU Byg 11/2016 → 09/2017: Pavement specialist, COWI A/S 09/2013 → 10/2016: PhD candidate, DTU / COWI A/S 08/2009 → 08/2013: Pavement engineer, COWI A/S Websites https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Asmus_Skar