Poul Løgstrup Bjerg
Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering
Building 115 Room 141
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Water resources management Groundwater-surface water interaction Stream water quality Groundwater Remediation Contaminated sites Risk assessment
The research field is risk assessment and remediation technologies for contaminated soil, groundwater and surface water. This includes focus on holistic management of contaminated sites and water resources. Leader or participant in several research projects under different programmes (FP6 and FP7, Innovation Fund Denmark, The Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation, Strategic Environmental Research Programme 1996/Pesticides, Danish Research Council /Groundwater Research Centre/Technical University of Denmark). Significant experience with collaboration projects with leading consulting companies (GeoSyntec, Cowi, WSP, NIRAS, Rambøll) and administrative bodies (Danish EPA, regions/former counties). >140 ISI publications, several with national and international co-authors, more than 8000 citations, H-index=48. Supervisor/co-supervisor for 25 completed PhD-projects and more than 100 master thesis students.