
Chiara Fratini

Senior Researcher

Chiara Fratini

Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering


Building 115 Room 122

2800 Kgs. Lyngby




I have a large experience in inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches working at the interface between society, technology and environment both in practice and academia. I have experiences of project leading, team work and teaching in a variety of cultural contexts and competences. My theoretical work focuses on science and technology studies (STS),  transition theories, organizational and institutional studies, the development of methods for knowledge co-production, co-creation and co-design processes. My empirical work has largely focused on urban infrastructures and services, nature-based solutions, climate change adaptation and mitigation, environmental management and planning, participatory and co-creation processes, uncertainty management, environmental and innovation policy, public administration and business models for sustainable development. My latest research focuses on knowledge co-production for better understand the development and implementation of socio-technical imaginaries such as Nature-Based Solutions, Water-Energy-Food Nexus, Circular Economy and Smart Innovation to scale up successful experiences of transformations in support of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). My professional goal is to contribute with novel understandings and methods to co-create capacities across practice, politics and academia able to trigger positive tipping points and contribute to the emergence, development and stabilization of innovative pathways to an environmentally desirable and socially just future of the world.