Gerald Englmair
Associate Professor
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Section of Energy and Services
Building 118 Room 220
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
I am an Associate Professor and project leader in the Section of Energy and Services. My research focus is on thermal energy storage for flexible heating and cooling systems - including experimental development, testing and demonstration. I work within international projects - currently: EU-CETP “La-Flex” (WP lead, national lead), EU "TREASURE", IEA SHC Task 67/ ES Task 40 on compact thermal storage (Subtask lead, lead of Danish participation) and IEA ES Task 41 on economics of energy storage. Since 2023 I am vice chair of the thermal energy storage working group at the Danish Center for Energy Storage: DaCES I teach heating installations as well as solar energy supply in DTU courses in Lyngby and Sisimiut. It was my great honor to receive the Kalundborg Refinery Prize in 2024 - Denmarks oldest award for technical research. Based on my work on combined long- and short-term heat storage with PCM, I obtained a PhD double degree in 2019 (DTU, Chinese Academy of Sciences). From 2013-2015 I conducted industrial research at the Austria Solar Innovation Center. From 2011-2013 I have been project assistant at TU Vienna.