
Lars Jonas Brunskog

Associate Professor

Lars Jonas Brunskog

Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering

Electro Technology Acoustic Technology

Ørsteds Plads

Building 352 Room 014

2800 Kgs. Lyngby





Structural acoustics Sound insulation Wood Building acoustics

CURRICULUM VITAE Jonas Brunskog received an MSc in civil engineering in 1996 and a PhD in acoustics in 2002, both from theLundInstitute of Technology, Lund University, Sweden.In 2006 he became Docent in Engineering Acoustics and an associate professor at Acoustic Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering. His research interests include structural acoustics and building acoustics – especially for periodic structures and wood based structures, room acoustics – absorptive materials and classroom acoustics. He has supervised a 7 PhD projects (3 finnished and 3 ongoing) and some other research projects. He was Member of the institution board in ‘Department of Building Sciences’, Lund University 2005-2006. He is Member of the board of ‘Listening Lund. The Sound Environment Centre at Lund University ’, 2005 – present, and Member of the board of Swedish Acoustical Society, 2008 – 2013. Teaching activitiesCourse no 31240,Architectural AcousticsCourse no 31245, Acoustic conditions at the Roskilde festivalCourse no 31270,Sound and Vibration