
Kristian Speranza Mølhave


Kristian Speranza Mølhave

DTU Nanolab - National Centre for Nano Fabrication and Characterization


Building 307 Room 130

2800 Kgs. Lyngby



Kristian Speranza Mølhave


biology physics Nanotechnology Electron Microscopy chemistry

Professor in Nanotechnology Systems for In situ Electron Microscopy Applications at DTU Nanolab. Head of the Molecular Windows research group developing novel microchip-based microscopy methods for high resolution imaging especially for electron microscopes in order to provide new insights into physical, chemical and biological processes on the nanoscale. Supporting Innovation and technology development as Innovation Responsible at DTU Nanolab. Developing methods to improve sustainability in high tech production, such as microfabrication. See past activities in CV