Volker Naulin
Department of Physics
Building 309 Room 145
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
plasma HPC turnulence nonlinear
Volker Naulin is an internationally renowned expert for transport processes and turbulence with a focus on edge plasmas. He is author of massively parallel high performance numerical codes. Volker Naulin is regular referee for international journals including Physical Review Letters, Nature and Nature Physics. He has been supervising a large number of Ph.D projects and M.Sc thesis projects. He is author and co-author of more than 100 international journal articles. Volker Naulin is a Marie Curie Fellow and has served as Leader of JET Taskforce Transport. He is member of the F4E governing board and represents the small member countries in the EUROfusion bureau. He is member of the Marconi. HPC project board.