
Patrizio Mariani


Patrizio Mariani

National Institute of Aquatic Resources

Section for Oceans and Arctic

Henrik Dams Allé

Building 201 Room 148

2800 Kgs. Lyngby





oceanography ocean engineering Ecology Numerical methods and algorithms

Dr. Patrizio Mariani, Professor at the Technical University of Denmark leading the group on Observation Technology at DTU Aqua, focusing on the development of ocean technology supporting the next generation integrated marine ecosystem assessments by linking sensor technology, automation and robotics, modeling and applications.More InfoHe holds a PhD (2005) and MSc (2000) in Marine Science and Engineering from the University of Naples. He is former president and coordinator of EUROMARINE, coordinator of the project MISSION ATLANTIC and main PI in several Horizon and EMFF projects. Field of interest: Numerical modelling, theoretical ecology, oceanography, ocean observations, automation and control, system integrationTeaching: Fundamentals of underwater acoustic and optical systems  (25347), Applied Ocean Observation Technology (25324), Autonomous Marine Robotics (34763)Memebership: EUROMARINE, European Marine Board