
Annika Boye Petersen

Senior Scientific Officer

Annika Boye Petersen

DTU National Food Institute

Research Group for Chemical Risk Assessment and GMO

Henrik Dams Allé

Building 201 Room 030

2800 Kgs. Lyngby



Annika Boye Petersen


Publications/scientific peer reviewed assessment reports Review of the Scientific Opinion made by UBA (Umweltbundesamt). National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Annika Boye Petersen et al., 14 Dec. 2021.The report has been prepared by the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), as a contract work for the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Danish EPA). First draft of the Competent Authority assessment report for Tebuconazole in product type 8 (2021) and RAR (shared work between PPP and BPD) on behalf of the European Commission. Still ongoing. Author of the human health effect and exposure assessment: Annika Boye Petersen.  Study summary report on a Novel food source (February 2020) as an eligible external EFSA expert for Scientific and Technical Support in the areas of Novel Foods & Nutrient Sources. Competent Authority draft assessment report. Icaridin a mosquito repellent in product type 19 (Repellents and attractants). Finalised 2019. Author of the human health effect and exposure assessment: Annika Boye Petersen.  https://echa.europa.eu/information-on-chemicals/biocidal-active-substances/-/disas/factsheet/1316/PT19  Draft assessment report of the Endocrine Disruption Potential of the active substance Icaridin (CAS No. 119515-38-7). The assessment follows the strategy laid down in the EFSA /ECHA Guidance for the identification of endocrine disruptors in biocides and pesticides. Finalised 2020.  https://echa.europa.eu/information-on-chemicals/biocidal-active-substances/-/disas/factsheet/1316/PT19 Consultancy Title: Expert advice on appropriate criteria and limits for contaminants in Ready to Use Therapeutic Foods, UNICEF Supply Division Copenhagen, Denmark (Nov 2018). Author: Annika Boye Petersen. http://www.fao.org/fao-who-codexalimentarius/ EU-Union authorisation of Teat disinfections post-milking (iodine). Competent Authority draft assessment report. Finalised 2018. Author of the human health effect and exposure assessment: Annika Boye Petersen.  Competent Authority draft assessment report. Fludioxonil in product type 7, 9 and 10. Finalised 2017. Author of the human health effect and exposure assessment: Annika Boye Petersen.  https://echa.europa.eu/da/information-on-chemicals/biocidal-active-substances/-/disas/factsheet/1416/PT07 Proposal for harmonised classification and labelling (CLH report) for fludioxonil. Based on Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation). May 2016. Author of the health hazards: Annika Boye Petersen.  https://echa.europa.eu/documents/10162/46701224-2db9-4d89-a3f1-72b6ac400668  Competent Authority draft assessment report. IPBC in product type 13 (Metalworking fluid preservative).  January 2015. Author of the human health effect and exposure assessment: Annika Boye Petersen. https://echa.europa.eu/da/information-on-chemicals/biocidal-active-substances/-/disas/factsheet/39/PT13 Substitution of cobalt in wood protection products. Pesticide research from Danish Environmental Agency. Environmental Project No. 141-0410, 2013-2015. Steering group committee member and contributing editor: Annika Boye Petersen.  https://www2.mst.dk/Udgiv/publications/2015/10/978-87-93352-76-6.pdf Competent Authority draft assessment report. IPBC in product type 6 (In-can preservative). September 2013. Author of the human health effect and exposure assessment: Annika Boye Petersen. https://echa.europa.eu/da/information-on-chemicals/biocidal-active-substances/-/disas/factsheet/39/PT06 Classification and labelling report (CLH report) for IPBC. Proposal for harmonised classification and labelling based on Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP), October 2010. Author of the human health effect: Annika Boye Petersen. Competent Authority draft assessment report. IPBC in product type 8 (wood preservatives). February 2008. Author of the human health effect and exposure assessment: Annika Boye Petersen. https://echa.europa.eu/fr/information-on-chemicals/biocidal-active-substances/-/disas/factsheet/39/PT08  Draft assessment report: Pesticide risk assessment of the active substance napropamide. March 2006. Author of the section mammalian toxicology: Annika Boye Petersen.  https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/consultations/call/public-consultation-active-substance-napropamide Draft assessment report: Pesticide risk assessment of the active substance dichlorprop-p. April 2005. Author of the section mammalian toxicology: Annika Boye Petersen.  https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/consultations/call/public-consultation-active-substance-dichlorprop-p  Draft assessment report: Pesticide risk assessment of the active substance clomazone. March 2005 and final addendum 2007.Evaluation report on the equivalence of technical material for the active substance and toxicological relevance of the OCB plant and animal metabolite. Author of the section mammalian toxicology: Annika Boye Petersen.  https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/consultations/call/public-consultation-active-substance-clomazone  Effects of azole fungicides on the function of sex and thyroid hormones.  Pesticides Research No. 111 2007. Member of the Steering Committee.  Pesticides Research No. 111 2007 – Effects of azole fungicides on the function of sex and thyroid hormones Skin penetration of pesticides. An investigation of the impact of coformulants, a potentiel combination effect, gloves and intact skin. Pesticide research from Danish Environmental Protection Agency, 90, 2004. Contributing editor: Annika Boye Petersen.  Report on the Health Effects of Selected Pesticide coformulants.  Pesticides Research no. 80, 2003.  Contributing author: Annika Boye Petersen.  https://www2.mst.dk/udgiv/publications/2003/87-7614-057-1/html/default_eng.htm  A Nordic project regarding coformulants in Plant Protection Products. Nordic Minister Board, 2004.  Steering group committee member and contributing authors: Annika Boye Petersen.  https://norden.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A700646&dswid=-5549