
Vibeke Frøkjær Jensen


Vibeke Frøkjær Jensen


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Quantitative genetics Big Data Diasease modelling Register based research Resistance epidemiology Pharmaco-epidemiology

I am employed as a researcher in Big Data and my main skills are handling, validation, quality assurance and exploitation of large databases and epidemiological register research. I contribute to the rest of the research group with optimization and utilization data basis for epidemiological registry research and modeling. Also in relation to the antibiotic resistance research at DTU-Vet, I contribute to a number of research projects. I also have skills at senior level in antimicrobial resistance- and pharmaco-epidemiology. I have worked in particular with resistance epidemiology and worked as a national expert. VetStat, and developed state-of-the-art methods for benchmarking and monitoring antibiotics for domestic animals used internationally; As a senior researcher in resistance epidemiology at DTU-Food, I have previously advised the Danish Food Agency for the development of Yellow Card and internationally, she has worked as an adviser for, among other things, ESVAC project [1] and methods of monitoring antibiotic consumption under EFSA [2]. Finally, I have qualifications in Quantitative Genetics (from my PhD) education and are, among other things, a specialist censor at KU Health in Animal Genetics. I have been employed on the Disease Database Project since 2015, on a special grant under the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. The purpose of the project is to provide a continuous overview of laboratory data from both DTU Vet and private actors; on the one hand, to carry out epidemiological register research based on disease databases and related databases and advise the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration for the management of endemic diseases and antibiotic resistance. In 2015-2017 it has resulted in a series of reports, notes and publications [3-19] As an example of planned research projects, which are also central to the government service, is an ongoing project concerning risk factors for flock treatment against piglets, and a planned project for 2018, effects of Yellow Card on crew level. ReferencesTrends in the sales of veterinary antimicrobial agents in nine European countries. Reporting period: 2005-2009. Report, European Medicine Agency 2011. www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Report/2011/09/WC500112309.pdfTechnical specifications for the analysis and reporting of data on AMR in the EU Summary Report. Scientific report of EFSA. EFSA Journal 2012;10(2):2587 [53 pp.].Årsrapport 2016. Laboratorieundersøgelser af materiale fra SVIN på DTU Veterinærinstituttet og Laboratorium for svinesygdomme i Kjellerup. www.vet.dtu.dk/Raadgivning/AarsrapporterÅrsrapport 2016. Laboratorieundersøgelser af materiale fra KVÆG på DTU Veterinærinstituttet og Laboratorium for svinesygdomme i Kjellerup. www.vet.dtu.dk/Raadgivning/Aarsrapporter Notater til Fødevarestyrelsen i relation til myndighedsbetjeningen, 2016-2017:Notat til FVST. Vedr. Forespørgsel vedr. zink, antibiotikaforbrug og dødelighed. Af Frank Aarestrup, Anette Boklund, Vibeke Frøkjær Jensen, Tariq Halasa, Nils Toft, Karl Pedersen. 17. november 2016Notat til FVST. Vedr. eventuel sammenhæng mellem forbruget af lægemiddelzink og forbruget af antibiotika i svineproduktionen. Af Nils Toft, Anna Camilla Birkegård, Vibeke Frøkjær Jensen (DTU-Vet). Birgitte Borck, Flemming Bager (DTU-Food). 28. marts 2017Notat til FVST. Vedr. antibiotikavalg ved smågrisediarre med blandingsinfektioner, prioriteret efter effekt. Af Sven Erik Lind Jorsal, Vibeke Frøkjær Jensen, 20. Februar 2017.Notat til FVST. Forundersøgelse vedr. validitet af antal svin registreret i CHR. Af Vibeke Frøkjær Jensen, Camilla Birkegård og Nils Toft. 19. januar 2017Notat til FVST. Vedr. Validitet af antal svin registreret i CHR – II. Af Vibeke Frøkjær Jensen, Anna Camilla Birkegård. 15. september 2017.11.15Notat til FVST. Vedr. projekt sygdomsdatabase / Databasevalidering (krydsvalidering). Fra Anna Camilla Birkegård, Vibeke Frøkjær Jensen og Nils Toft 7. november 2017. Peer reviewed publikationer (første forfatter) i 2015-2017:Jensen VF, Sommer HM, Struve T, Clausen J, Chriél M. A cross-sectional field study on potential associations between feed quality measures and usage of antimicrobials in commercial mink (Neovison vison). Prev Vet Med. 2017 Aug 1;143:54-60Jensen VF, Jorsal SL, Toft N. A cross-sectional study of oral antibacterial treatment patterns in relation to specific diarrhoeal pathogens in weaner pigs. Vet Microbiol. 2017 May;203:18-27.Jensen VF, Sommer HM, Struve T, Clausen J, Chriél M. Factors associated with usage of antimicrobials in commercial mink (Neovison vison) production in Denmark. Prev Vet Med. 2016 Apr 1;126:170-82.(delt 1. forfatterskab) Andersen VD, Jensen VF, Vigre H, Andreasen M, Agersø Y. The use of third and fourth generation cephalosporins affects the occurrence of extended-spectrum cephalosporinase-producing Escherichia coli in Danish pig herds. Vet J. 2015 Jun;204(3):345-50. Peer-reviewed publikationer (medforfatter) 2016-2017:Birkegård AC, Andersen VD, Halasa T, Jensen VF, Toft N, Vigre H. Computional algorithm for lifetime exposure to antimicrobials in pigs using register data-The LEA algorithm. Prev Vet Med. 2017 Oct 1;146:173-180.Nikolaisen NK, Lassen DCK, Chriél M, Larsen G, Jensen VF, Pedersen K. Antimicrobial resistance among pathogenic bacteria from mink (Neovison vison) in  Denmark. Acta Vet Scand. 2017 Sep 13;59(1):60.Birch JM, Agger JF, Dahlin C, Jensen VF, Hammer AS, Struve T, Jensen HE. Risk  factors associated with diarrhea in Danish commercial mink (Neovison vison) during the pre-weaning period. Acta Vet Scand. 2017 Jun 29;59(1):43.