Peter Kjær Willendrup
Senior Research Engineer, Special Consultant
Department of Physics
DMSC - accescards
Building 307 Room 208
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Since 2002 acting as technical project manager for the McStas project which is currently applied in simulation of neutron scattering instruments for the ESS in Lund, Sweden. McStas is world leading in simulation of instrumentation for neutron scattering and virtual neutron scattering experiments. Participating instituttes are DTU, ESS, NBI, ILL and PSI. McStas is extensively used in the design of future instruments for the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, and I am part-time seconded to the ESS Data Management and Software Center (DMSC). I am also technical lead of the McXtrace project which is an X-ray equivalent of McStas. Current contributing partners are DTU and Synchrotron SOLEIL . My position is affiliated with the MAGNET section within DTU Physics. See also my CV at my personal webpage.