Yuepeng Dong
Associate Professor
Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering
Building 119 Room 141
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Geotechnical Engineering Computational Geotechnics Finite element method Constitutive modelling of geomaterials Smart infrastructure
I am currently Associate Professor in Computational Geotechnics at DTU Sustain. Before joining DTU, I worked with Prof. Andrew J. Whittle (MIT) as Senior/Postdoctoral Associate, based at Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART), and a brief period of Senior Research Fellow at National University of Singapore. I obtained DPhil in Engineering Science from University of Oxford in August 2014, working with Profs. Harvey J. Burd and Guy T. Houlsby on finite element analysis of soils and structures. The thesis was examined by Prof. David M. Potts from Imperial College London. I did my undergraduate and part of the postgraduate studies at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. I was a visiting fellow at University of Newcastle, Austrilia, hosted by Prof Scott W. Sloan in 2016, focusing on integration of complex constitutive models in finite element framework. I have strong background and expertise in soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, especially in computational geotechnics (e.g. advanced finite element analysis and constitutive modelling of geomaterials) and underground constructions (e.g. excavations, tunnels, and foundations). My current research at DTU focus on (i) Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure through Geological and Geotechnical Sensing and Modelling (RSI-GeoSM), and (ii) Energy Geotechnics for green energy transition. I am avaibale to supervise both Master and PhD students, and feel free to contact me if you have interests and ideas. I teach fundamental geotechnial engineering courses to both BSc and BEng students, incorporating both Danish and international methods. I am open to any kind of collaborations and consultancies, and welcome to contact me if you think there are potential opportunites.